Om Chanting Meditation with Doctoryoga – A Binaural Voyage.

This week we are immersing ourselves in the world of binaural audio, Doctoryoga is joining us on our journey to healing.

Doctoryoga (2019)

Previously with Doctoryoga we introduced you to mindfulness, relaxation and meditation.

Today the topic of this binaural audio mix is chanting. This is the iterative speaking or singing of words or sounds that are repeated.

It is primarily on one or two main pitches called reciting tones. Om is the word chanted as it’s the healing sound of the universe, and the union of mind, body and spirit. Om is seen as a sacred sound and unifies everything in the universe.

Om Symbol

Currently, in the world of binaural, the BBC is working with state of the art technology, looking to advance the development of audio production and the delivery of binaural sound.

In recent years the capability of smartphones, along with current technology has given us adequate enough conditions for binaural audio to flourish.

Now more and more people listen to content on headphones, which is an ideal environment for binaural audio to be experienced.

The BBC Research and Development team have five goals they are aiming to achieve within this field of research.

Our goals, BBC Binaural sound (2019)

  • Enable the BBC to create world-class binaural content.
  • Evaluate the user experience of binaural sound in broadcasting.
  • Develop technology to deliver binaural sound to our audiences.
  • Open standards that enable binaural broadcasting.
  • Explore the role of sound in new interactive media VR/AR.

BBC Binaural Sound (2019)

“Binaural techniques can be used to create a richer sense of space in programme sound, giving a more exciting and immersive listening experience. We are also working on 3D sound for loudspeakers”

BBC Binaural Sound (2019)

BBC Proms (2019)

Along with thIs research, BBC Proms have built a 3D binaural rig, giving people the ability to immerse themselves in the musical compositions created via a binaural mix. The 3D rig was installed at the Royal Albert Hall along with the current Radio 3 microphone array. have a listen!!

“The shape of the human head, shoulders and ears informs how we perceive sound and binaural processing emulates that effect to create a 3D audio sensation for headphone listeners.“

BBC Proms (2019)

Also, we find that in the field of 360 audio more commonly known as spatial audio there are many advancements going on, Sony has just brought out their version called Reality 360 Audio.

Sony 360 Audio (2019)

With standard headphones we now have the ability to immerse ourselves in a 360-degree audio experience. Each part of the track can be placed at a certain point around the human head to give that real sense of an immersive environment check it out!!

With my binaural mix, I took to Logic X Pro and utilised their binaural plugin, it has two main options planar and spherical as you see in the picture.

I used both of these features to create a sense of movement with the sound, this was a great effect for the chants.

The plugin would give me the ability to bring them in close or far, this helped me to create a sense of space and move them around the head which makes for a more immersive and relaxing experience.

Along with this, I was able to make use of the puck tool, with this you can take your stereo image and pan it in many different directions on the panning plane, and still get sound in both ears.

You would think there would be potential phase issues but as of yet, this hasn’t been experienced.

Overall this software is a great asset to audio production as the progression from mono to stereo and 5.1 are great ways to display a mix, but binaural now gives you yet another great layer which immerses the user in a 360 degree audio experience.

The technology is growing fast and it’s clear this is the next great advancement for audio which will one day be the standard!!

Enjoy the binaural audio mix!! Make sure to wear headphones!!

Next week we will delve deeper into audio frequencies with the third instalment of, how sound and music affect water and us as we look to answer.

How does sound and music affect frequency structures?

For how long will it need to be played?

How loud should the track be?

We will answer these questions and much more!!

To infinity and beyond!!

Until next time!!


Blauert, Jens. Editor. The Technology of Binaural Listening. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer, 2013.

Rumsey, Francis. “Binaural Audio and Virtual Acoustics.” Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 65, no. 6, 2017, pp. 524–528.

Rumsey, Francis. SpatIal Audio. CRC Press, 2017.

BBC Binaural Sound (2019). Binaural Sound – BBC R&D. [online] Available at:

BBC Proms (2019). BBC – BBC Proms in Binaural Sound. [online] Available at:

Sony 360 Audio (2019). 360 Reality Audio | So immersive. So real. | Sony UK. [online] Available at:

3 thoughts on “Om Chanting Meditation with Doctoryoga – A Binaural Voyage.

  1. Hey, loved this week’s post! My first time doing binaural meditation, it was enchanting after a busy day!
    I also will be looking forward to tech updates, it’s interesting to see how the industry of entertainment is now focusing on spatial audio. Nice one!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aww thanks Fab!! I’m glad you enjoyed the meditation, yes it’s all going on in the world of spatial audio!! Stay tuned!!


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