The Surprising Effects of Sound Bathing.

Sound Bathing

Sound is an incredible tool for many things, amongst them is the concept known as sound bathing, over the next few months I will be conducting experiments to test this theory.

Previously I have discussed “How Music and Sound Affect Water and Us?” Check it out, this is an insightful look at the world of Cymatics, Meditation and Frequency.

This weeks topic will delve deeper into the world of sound and frequencies, as we take a glimpse at what they offer, and it’s seems far more than what we hear!!

We can now see that frequencies change matter. Cymatics has shown us this by opening a window to this world, previously unseen.

Sound has amazing properties, one of which is healing, take a read of this amazing article on “Sound Bathing” it describes how sound has these almost majestic qualities. Now it’s time to jump in, relax and unwind, as we float on the river of frequency.

Sound bathing has been a long-standing ancient tradition, dating back thousands of years and known in many cultures, with one intention, to take us from a place of imbalance to a place of balance and harmony.

I am keen to explore this topic, as we look to unearth and examine the affect sound and frequencies have on water and us.

I will be looking to find tangible results on these effects, looking to find out how and why sound and music has the ability to move us, heal us, and relax us, the research shows water can easily be affected by changes in frequency.

As we enter the etherial world of sound to see what it has to offer, we find some interesting subjects of discussion on how it could even unlock healing properties for the whole world to enjoy!!

Sound bathing is one of these topics, here is a video which will help to give you an insight on the amazing healing effects sound bathing has to offer!!

One of the most mystical sound bathing experiences around is in Los Angeles, it’s called the Integraton, people go here from far and wide to experience it’s healing frequencies.

The acoustic properties of this building are profound. Its creator, George Van Tassel (1910-1978), claimed that the structure is based on the design of Moses’ Tabernacle, the writings of Nikola Tesla and telepathic directions from extraterrestrials, here is a great article on Tesla and his approach to healing with sound!! It’s a great read!!

Nikola Tesla

There are some amazing acoustic spaces around us that have an almost magical quality. It’s clear this location is one of them!!

They hold regular sound bathing experiences, here, where they use 20 quartz crystal bowls to immerse people in its majesty, they say sound is nutrition for the nervous system.

Joshua Tree Sound Bath

A great book on this subject is “The Healing Power of Sound” Here is a quote from the author Dr Mitchell Gaynor, M.D., former Director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York.

“Music can have a powerful salutary effect on our cardio- vascular, immune, and nervous systems, not to mention our emotional and spiritual selves.”

“Sounds permeate our systems, resonating with our essence, so that inner chaos, conflict, and dissonance seem almost immediately to be transformed into harmony.”

“I believe unequivocally – and I’ve seen for myself the proof – that the use of sound is among the most powerful modalities ever embraced by twentieth-century practitioners.

Now it’s time to take a journey into the Integraton with Jason Mraz, as we immerse ourselves in this beautifully majestic acoustic environment.

Jason Mraz (2012)

One important thing to understand is that, sound has healed for millennia, we could look at this from a religious perspective for a moment with the concept of prayers and chants, they offer a so called healing property to people and take place in acoustically majestic environments like the Integraton.

Chants and prayers are said to alleviate negative emotions. We find, current scientific studies are occurring in this field which are worth a read.

They look at the neural mechanisms underlying this mental exercise, and explore the effects of chanting and the brain’s response.

Frontiers In (2017)

They recorded and analysed the electroencephalography (EEG) data from 21 Buddhists during a chanting experience as they viewed negative and neutral pictures.

Last week I recorded a binaural chanting meditation, we find on reflection it seems to be the modern way for people to experience healing with sound via technology.

We certainly live in a loud world, and having a moment where we can relax and unwind is definitely a good idea “take a look here” at my binaural chanting meditation.

Joshua Tree Sound Bath

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

There is an amazing article in the NY Times discussing sound bathing and defiantly worth a read. “Take a look”

Check out this amazing blog on my website where we talk about sound bathing and its practical use with sound in the modern world.

Click This link to find out more!!

The Suprising Effects of Sound Bathing

Next week we will be taking a look at the “Wall of Sound” a technique that has brought great success to the music industry over the years for many artists and producers!!

To infinity and beyond!!


Frontiers In (2017) –

Joshua Tree Sound Bath –

Jason Mraz at the Integraton (2012) –

Article on Sound Bathing –

Nikola Tesla’s Healing Fields of Sound –

2 thoughts on “The Surprising Effects of Sound Bathing.

  1. A fantastic approach to sound bathing! It’s great to see that these kind of alternatives to healing are getting more and more related and proved by science! Definitely looking forward to the outcome of your experiments.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Fab!! Me to!! It’s an interesting world we live in and sound holds an answer to it that’s for sure!!

    It’s all about energy, frequency and vibration!!


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